The Toxic Bureaucracy of Thought

We can only see what is true when we stop saying what is true, but we’re too afraid to do that. We’re too afraid to do that because we wouldn’t know what’s going on then. We would be disorientated, we would be ‘lost in uncertainty’,…

Joined Up Thinking

Out of fear we try to make everything happen the right way, but fear also ensures that this can never happen. Out of fear comes control and control falsifies everything. Control distorts reality itself. Control can never do anything else apart from falsifying reality. That…

The Hollow Dreamer [1]

The idea that we have of ourselves spends all its time dreaming of what it would do if it were real – not that it ever will be, of course. Not that it ever could be! Or perhaps we should say that the idea we…

Life On The Outside

We’re always chasing after ‘the goal’. When are we not chasing after the goal? We will say that this isn’t true of course, we might even be fairly indignant about it – we’ll say that we know how to switch off when the occasion calls…


Purposeful behaviour comes out of our thoughts and ideas and nowhere else – purposeful behaviour is thought therefore – no matter what we might believe to the contrary. As far as we are concerned however – in this rationally orientated world of ours – purposeful…

The ‘Jinxed Task’

The thinking mind is ‘a machine for turning a profit’. It is there for solving problems, in other words. This is very useful at the same time as being (potentially) highly dangerous; it’s dangerous because unless there’s oversight with regard to the operation of this…

Mindfulness Isn’t A Tool

Meditation isn’t a tool, as we often say it is in the West. It isn’t a tool but rather it is that state in which we no longer see the relevance of using tools, or the need to do so. The meditative state is that…

The Devices By Which We Are Ruled

Our basic sense of security in the world comes from the formula ‘If I do X then Y will happen’ and this – of course – equals control. If we control successfully then this gives rise to euphoria (which is the good feeling that I…

Subtler Than Thought

When we’re ‘thinking all the time’ this has the effect of making us fundamentally insincere – it makes us insincere with other people and it also makes us insincere with regards to life itself. It might seem a bit much to say this but when…

Hooked On The Promise

We are as completely absorbed as we are in the ongoing fiction of our thoughts because we are hooked on a promise, because we are waiting for the next much-anticipated treat to come away. This business is wholly absorbing, infinitely absorbing – we really don’t…