Purposeful behaviour comes out of our thoughts and ideas and nowhere else – purposeful behaviour is thought therefore – no matter what we might believe to the contrary. As far as we are concerned however – in this rationally orientated world of ours – purposeful…

The Dark Father

The ‘Dark Father’ of unbridled rationality eats his own children, just as Cronos did in the ancient legend. He might not actually physically eat them as Cronos the Titan did, but by the weight of his controlling and stultifying authority he represses their psychological growth…

The Secret of Transformation

  The secret of transformation is to be where we don’t want to be. This – needless to say – isn’t necessarily how we would usually see it. Usually we have an idea of how we’d like to be and then we set out with…

The Problem the Self is Trying to Fix is Itself

The problem the self is forever trying to fix is itself. Not that there is a problem in it, but rather that it itself is the problem. Naturally this is the last thing the self is ever going to allow itself to be aware of!…