
The more present we are (i.e. the less removed or abstracted we are from the non-conceptual immediacy of our lives), the greater the quality of our life is. This isn’t ‘quality of life’ in the usual  sense of the phrase we’re talking about here but…


If we were to ask what the key characteristic of the process (or flow) of life was, one answer would be “the lack of any me, the lack of any defined self or identity”. This is actually a tautological answer since we are really only…

The More We Resist

As soon as we start to imagine that we can change our inner state on purpose we have entered into the ‘illusion-making business’ and the illusion-making business is the biggest business there is. We are always imagining that we can change our inner state on…

The Creative Universe

‘Being in the world’ is a completely spontaneous thing – it’s not something we do on purpose, it’s not something we do as part of a plan. We don’t intend to ‘be in the world’ – we just are! Being spontaneous isn’t intentional and neither…