The Toxic Bureaucracy of Thought

We can only see what is true when we stop saying what is true, but we’re too afraid to do that. We’re too afraid to do that because we wouldn’t know what’s going on then. We would be disorientated, we would be ‘lost in uncertainty’,…

Chasing Being

In this world we try to construct our being out of our doing – that’s the type of world we live in. This is the type of message we have been given right from the word ‘go’. We are encouraged to ‘do’, we are (to…

The Prison of Purposefulness

The cruellest prison we could ever find ourselves in is the prison of purposefulness. What could be crueller than this? The funny thing is though that we are more than likely to have very little (if any) appreciation of the truth of this statement. We…

Outside the Framework

There are two very straightforward statements that we can make that can – between them – revolutionize our understanding of both the world and ourselves. The first statement is this: The only way we can obtain quantitative data, literal truths, or a definite story-line about…

Stepping Outside the Mind

The question is, are we interested in stepping outside of the mind, or are we not interested? This isn’t a loaded question. There’s no right or wrong answer – it’s not a question of what we ought to do – but it is a crucial…

If Life is an Unfolding…

If life is an unfolding then where is the need for control, and where is the need for the black-and-white models of reality which guide that control? If life is in essence an unfolding then where is the need for definition, for regulation, for ‘management’,…

No Method

Mindfulness is said to be various things. Often it is spoken of as a ‘life-enhancing skill’, or in terms of a ‘tool’ that we can use to help manage stress or anxiety or anger. This tends to sound pretty good – who doesn’t want to…